Regatta Dental

New Patient Registration

Regatta Dental Centre

At Regatta Dental- your Richmond Hill Dentist, we always welcome new patients, emergencies and referrals. Now, you can fill our New Patient Registration Form online.

At Regatta Dental, we always welcome new patients, emergencies and referrals.  Our goal is to collaborate with you on your concerns, goals and expectations of your oral health. 

We ask that you kindly fill out the New Patient Registration form and submit it prior to your first appointment.  At your dental appointment, we will review these completed forms with you to help us deliver the best personalized treatment plan.

If you haven’t booked your dental appointment yet, you can do so conveniently, using our online form.

Ontario Dental Association
Canadian Dental Association

Book Your Appointment:

Appointment Reason*:
Preferred Time*:
Referral Source*:
Please feel free to leave any specific comments regarding your dental concerns, dental history, or questions you wish to discuss with the dentist. At Regatta Dental Centre, we listen to everything our patients have to say, and want you to feel completely at ease with your dental care.